CoreTobacco Modules:
- Epidemiology of Tobacco
- Motivational Interviewing in Tobacco Cessation
- Treating Tobacco Dependency in Primary Care
Supplemental Tobacco Modules:
- A Clinician’s Guide to Helping Pregnant
Women Quit Smoking - Adolescent Tobacco Use
- Alternative & Complementary Treatments
in Tobacco Cessation - Lung Cancer: A Clinical Update
- Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians
Treating Tobacco Dependency - Tobacco Dependency in Women
- Tobacco Use & Oral Health
Online Tobacco Module Instructions
1. Visit the website www.aheceducation.com.
a. Before accessing the online modules, your computer will need to have Windows Media Player (for the audio/visual component of the course) and Adobe Reader (for the PDF documents). Links are provided on the site if you need to upgrade or download either.
2. Select the link under either the blue or red tab on the left hand side.
3. Before you are able to access the modules, you must first create a login so select the tab Create Elearning Profile. (You may want to write down the User Name & Password you select for future access.)
4. At the top of the screen select tab: Course Catalog.
a. Select the category: Tobacco Dependency-Health Care Professional.
5. Select each module individually by name.
a. When you click on each module, the course details will then be provided including abstract, speaker information, etc.
b. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this screen and select the tab: Add to Cart.
6. Under the tab My Cartscroll to the bottom of the screen & select the tab Check Out. Please note, you will NOT be required to pay any costs for accessing these modules.
7. Under Checkout, select the check box at the top Billing address same as address on file. (Please note, all tobacco courses are FREE.)
a. Under Payment, select the Activation Codebutton.
b. An Activation Boxwill appear and you will need to enter the code: tob001. (Please note, activation code is case sensitive.)
8. You will then be directed to My Current Courseswhere you can begin selecting the modules to view.
a. Select one of the modules and click on the Course Numberto begin taking the pretest.
b. Upon completing the pretest, you will be provided your % score and the questions you answered wrong.
c. After viewing this, select the tab Continue to Lesson.
9. You will be directed to the page Lesson Displaywhere the goals, objectives, etc. are included.
a. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to access the tab Download PowerPoint Handoutsif you choose to.
b. Then select the tab Lessonto begin.
c. Upon completing the lesson, select the tab Take ExamYou must receive a 75% or higher to pass and complete the module.
d. One you have successfully passed the exam, select the tab Take Survey. (Please note, this is required to receive a certificate.)Answer the course survey & select Submit.
e. You will then be directed to the Course Certificate screen and select View Certificate.
A PDF screen will appear with the option to print and/or save the document. (It is recommended you do both for your professional development records.)
10. If you are ready to begin your next module, select the tab View My Coursesand continue by clicking on the next module.
11. When you have completed all of the modules and steps, or to resume at another time, select the Log Outtab.